Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Bring me to life...

How deep is this pit I'm falling in?
Will it hurt bad when I hit the bottom?
Light at the top looks like a distant star.
I don't know if I can make that jump.
Stories of hope sound like illusions of grandeur.
Am I still naive enough to believe in the tales.
Or have I lost my innocence in despair?


Nandini Vishwanath said...

I hope all is ok!

buddy said...

sometimes pita have holes on the other end

Unknown said...

Sounds like you're going through rough times? Whatever it is, keep smiling and you'll come out of it as a stronger person :)

crumpledpapers said...

@all:thanks guys.

@buddy: interesting theory about pits with both ends open. you would keep oscillating between the two openings because of gravity on both sides trying to pull you in alternatively.

A_and_N said...

:) Sure thing man! Post it sometime or email the recipe, I will surely try it and mebbe post it too!

Me n My Inner Self said...

It reminds me of Evanescence.... Well all I have to say is even Abyss has one way out.... :)